My name is Bernard Charland and I welcome you to my website.
In October 2015, I retired from a position at the Export Controls Division of the Departement of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development. I subsequently founded Export Controls Solutions (Canada) Inc. and I’m happy to offer my services to Canadian exporters/importers in order to help navigate through the complex process, procedures and related requirements.
The mandate of Export Controls Solutions (Canada) Inc. is to provide current and reliable consultant services to Canadian exporters/importers. The company will focus on issues/cases related to the exportation and importation of goods and technologies covered by the Canadian Export Controls List (ECL) and the Import Controls List (ICL).
In addition to providing consultant services, Export Controls Solutions (Canada) Inc. offers information sessions or seminars which are delivered either to groups or individuals. Those sessions are taylor made to the client's needs and requirements.
Whether you are a large, medium or small business and are facing problems or need assistance with Canadian export/import requirements, you are at the right place.
Bernard Charland
Founder and export/import controls consultant
Conception: Francis Gorman, Nicolas Duchaine-Ritchot, 2015
Texts & content: Export Controls Solutions (Canada) Inc. © All rights reserved.